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C - Names
C.B. C.C. C.C. Ryder C.J. CC CLAWdette Ca.T. Cabaret Cabbage Cabbage Patches Cabbaraa Caboose Cacao Cadbury Caddie Cadeca Caduceus Caelin Caesar Caffrey Cafu Cagan Cagney Cain Caina Cairo Caitlin Caj Caj Cajun Cake Cakes Cal Calamity Jane Caledonia Cali Calib Caliban Calico California California Cootie California Cutie California Dreamin' California Girl California Poppy Calin Caliope Calista Calisto Calla Lilly Callah Callebeaut Calli Callie Callie Kazoo Callie Klein Callieboo Calliope Callie-Co Callisto Callistoga Calvin Calvin Calypso Calyx Calzone Camelot Cameo Cameron Camille Camry Canaan Canalope Candace Candee Candis Candy Candy Cane Candy Claws Candy Corn Canine Chaser Caos Capernica Cappuccino Cappussino Cappy Caprice Capricious Kitty Captain Captain Cat Captain Crunch Captain Midnight Captain Nemo Captain Stuff Capone Caprice Caramel Caramel Cat Career Carien Carina Carine Carmel Carla Carleen Carlisle Carly Carlyle Carmen Caroline Carolyn Carousel Carrie Carson Carter Cartoon Kitty Cartouche Caruso Casablanca Casanova Casee Casey Cashew Cashmere Cashmir Casie Caspar Casper Caspian Cassandra Cassidy Cassie Cassimir Cassiopeia Cassius Cassius Clay Cassius Play Castle Castley Castor Castro Cat Cat Ballou Cat Stevens Cat! Cat-lete Cat-Man-Doo Cat-rina Catalina Catalina Kitty Cataccino Cataclysm Catalyst Catastrophy Catbert Catcall Catera Caterina Caterpault Caterwaul Catface |
Catfish Cather Catherine Catilda Catjo Catkin Catnap Catnip Catnochio Catnose Catrat Catrina Cats Domino Catsup Catsy Catsy Climb Cattaira Cattastrophie Catte Cattelina Cattilla The Hon Cattzenn Chantilly Lace Cattspurr Cattus Catzilla Catzy Cat'n Crunch Cat'n Kidd Cauchmare Cauw Caveboy Cavegirl Caveman Cavewoman Cayenne Cayenne Pepper Cayenne Peppermew Cayley CazBah Ceaity Cece Cecil Cecilia Cecily Cedric Cedric the Red Ceefer Ceezer Cefa Celebrity Celes Celeste Celestial Celia Celine Cello Cellophane Celtic Cessna Ceylon Chacha Chablis Chad Chaia Chainsaw Chairman Meow Chamois Champ Champagne Champagne Bubbles Chan Chandler Chandon Chandra Chanel Change Changeling Channa Chantel Chantilly Chantilly Lace Chaos Chapman Chappy Chapstick Char Charcoal Charger Charity Charleen Charlene Charlemagne Charles Charles Darwin Charley Charley Brown Charlie Charlie Brown Charlie Chaplin Charlie Chan Charlie Tuna Charlotte Charmed Charmed Cat Charmin Charmin' Chaser Chat Chatton Chaucer Chauncey Chauncy Che Guevara Cheap Thrills Cheap Trills Checkers Cheddar Chee-Chee Chee-to Chee-toes Cheech Cheeks Cheerio Cheers Cheeseburger Cheese! Cheese Cheesecutter Cheeser Cheetah Cheetos Chella Chelsea Cherokee Cherry Cherry Pie Cherub Cheryl Cheryl Lee-Puff Chesapeake Cheshire Cheshire Cat Chessie Chester Chester the Jester Chestnut Chevalier Chevis Regal Chevy Chevy-Cat Chevy Chase Chewbacca Chewball Chewie Chewy Cheyenne Chez Lou ChezPaw Chi-Chi |
Chia Pet Chianti Chiaroscuro Chica Chickabiddy Short Shanks Chickadee Chicken Chickory Chiclet Chico Chief Chief Many Toes Chieftan Chile Chili Chili Pepper Chills Chilly-Bit Chimi Chimichanga Chimo Chimois Chin China China Cat China Cat Sunflower China Girl Chino Chinois Chinook Chip Chip Chipper C.H.I.P.s Chips-Ahoy Chipeta Chipmeister Chippy Chiquita Chirico Chirito Chita Chitchat Chitters Chivas Regal Chiya Chloe Choco-Paws Chocolate Chocolate Cookie Cat Chocolate Mousse Choco-latte Choctaw Chong Choo Choo Charlie Chooch Choochie Chopper Chops Chorizo Chow Chowda Chowder Chris Chrischat Chrissie Christina Christine Christmas Cat Christopher Christopher Curlumbus Christopher Robin Christy Chubbie Chu-chu Chubbles Chubbs Chubby Chuck Chuckie Chuckie Cheeser Chuckles Chucky Chucky Cheese Chunky Chunky Cheeks Chunk'a'Cheese Church Churchlady Churchmouser Chusko Chyna Chyna Girl Cici Cid Cika Cimarron Cimmy Cincicatti Cinco-de-Mayo Cinda Cindee Cinder Cinderblock Cinderella Cinder Kitty Cindii Cindy Cindy Roo Cinema Cinii Cinjun Cinnabun Cinnamon Cinnamon Buns Cinnamon Cookie Cinnamon Crumb Cake Cinni Mini Cinque Cipher Circe Circle Circle of Love Circles Circus Circus Cat Cirocco Cirra Cirrus Cisco Cisco Kid Cissy Cissy-Kitty City City Kitty City Lights City Slicker Clae Claire Clairisse Clanci Cleopatchie Clancy Clara Clarabelle Clarence Clarence Darrow Clarice Clark Clark Gable Clarke Claude Claudia Claw Clawde Clawdia Clawdius Clawdya Claws Claymore |
Clea Clem Clementine Cleo Cleocatra Cleopatra Cleveland Cliff Clifford Climber Clinger Clinkers Clint Clint Eastwood Clinton Clio Clipper Clock Cloe Cloud Cloudwalker Clove Clover Clovis Clyde Coach Cobweb Coco Coco Bean Cocoa Coconut Cody Coffee Coffee Coffeecake Coffee Kitty Cognac Cola Cola Cat Colby Cole Cole Porter Collision Collision of Course Colorfur Coltrane Columbia Columbine Columbo Columbus Comedy Central Comedian Comedienne Comelia Comet Comet Tail Commotion Comstock Conan Confetti Confucius Connie Conrad Conscience Constance Control Conway Kitty Conway Twitty Coo Coofer Cookie Cookie Monster Cookies-n-Cream Coolota Coon-cat Corona Coronado Coop Cooper Coors Coors Lite Cooter Cop Cop Jr. Copper Copper Penny Cordelia Corey Cori Corinna Corinne Corky Cornell Cornflake Corvette Cory Cosby Cosmic Cosmic Creepers Cosmo Costner Cotton Cotton Ball Cotton Candy Cougar Count Katula Count KittyKat Countach Country Kitty Cowboy Crabby Crackers Crackle Cat Crazy Cat Crazy Kitty Creampuff Creamsoda Creer Creole Cricket Crisco Crispen Crisper Critter Critter Crunch Crockett Cromwell Crow T. Robot Cruiser Crumbs-on-Face Crumpet Crunchie CryBaby Crystabelle Crystal Cubby Cuddler Cuddles Cujo Cumulus Cupcake Cupid Curious George Curley Curly Curly Cue Curtains Cutie Cutiekins Cutie-Patutie Cutie-Pie Cyanne Cypress Cyprus Cyrano Cyrano de Beaurecat Cyrus Czar |