CORN MAZE AND DINNER – October 20, 2007

Kountess Katnip (Samantha) was our “Queen for the Nite” and planned a fun trip to an amazing Corn Maze in Spring Hill, TN.  We first enjoyed a casual dinner at the Italian Restaurant Samboli’s.  The food and service was very good and it was reasonably priced too. 

We then headed to the Corn Maze which really was amazing.  Kountess Katnip had each of us the cutest flashlights that made a noise (ghost, bat and pumpkin).  The maze had a Tour Tennessee theme.  As maze walkers we explored the history of over 30 Tennessee counties and 4 major cities.  Along the path there were huge signs with each county listed with history and pop culture.  We were all surprised what we learned about Tennessee while enjoying the fun of getting lost in the maze!!   We all practiced our screaming, hid from each other, harassed the other maze explorers (especially the children), and did lots of laughing.  It was such fun being together and was a purrrrrfect night.  After finding our way out (thanks to Joey Jaguar) we enjoyed taking pictures and the bonfire.

Heading back to Nashville we stopped at a Starbucks to warm up and chat about the evening.  Thanks to Kountess Katnip for planning such a delightful night, it was sooooo PURRRRRFECT.