Cats & Language
"Cat" in another
language is still a cat!
Spanish |
French |
Latin |
Spanish/Portuguese |
Portuguese for "tomcat" |
Italian |
Yiddish |
Esperanto |
German |
Turkish |
Russian |
Chinese |
Japanese |
Russian |
Swahili |
Icelandic |
Saudi Arabian |
Ugandan |
Polish |
Romanian |
Swedish |
Korean |
Armenian |
Hungarian |
Hebrew |
Clowder of cats
"Clowder" is the correct term for a group of cats. It is an old word for "clutter," an apt name for a gathering of cats that has, perhaps, overrun a farm in response to a plague of mice or rats.
A group of kittens or young cats had a special name: they were called a "kyndyll," or "kindle," of kittens. This is based on the old definition of the verb "to kindle," which described it as "bringing forth" or "giving birth to young." So a kyndyll of cats was simply a group of felines that had, not so long ago, been brought into the world.