The Steelers have done a wonderful job displaying the history of western Pennsylvania football
and creating an atmosphere fans relish. The old Three Rivers Stadium now is a parking lot between Heinz
Field and PNC Park (the Pirates' home field). The Coca-Cola Great Hall, on the first two floors by the east
entrance, is the centerpiece and a great gathering spot at Heinz Field, which was opened in August 2001 and
also hosts University of Pittsburgh home football games. In addition to pregame and postgame entertainment, with
TVs and concessions galore, the Great Hall features five, huge Lombardi Trophy column displays devoted to the team's
like-numbered Super Bowl titles, along with replicas of each trophy. There are a dozen graphic murals displaying
Steelers, Pitt Panthers and other regional football history, complete with videos and music. Be sure to check out
the seven interactive displays that feature trivia and other memorabilia. The stadium also has two, giant faux
Heinz bottles atop the Jumbotron scoreboard that tip and pour ketchup on the screen when the Steelers reach the Red
Zone. (If the Heinz Ketchup bottles were filled with ketchup, they would contain 1,664,000 fluid ounces each, enough,
if emptied, to cover the entire football field three-quarters of an inch deep.) Heinz Field also has been dubbed
The Mustard Palace by locals because of its yellow seats.