In August 1971 the Giants signed a 30-year lease for a 75,000-seat stadium to be built in the Meadowlands
of New Jersey's Bergen County, located 6.9 miles from Times Square (for comparison, Yankee Stadium, the Giants'
home field from 1956 to 1973, is 6.6 miles from Times Square). Groundbreaking took place in November 1972. And
by October 1976, after calling four different stadiums home in their first 50 years in the NFL, the Giants
christened Giants Stadium with the first home game in their new digs. Fans can hear any new news (including
updates on the New Meadowlands Stadium, slated to open for the 2010 season) loud and clear at Giants Stadium,
which has a sound system with more 27,000 audio watts, 2,100 speakers and some 47 miles of cable.